Form the fjords
It is not simply the genes that create a fish. Just like people, good growth comes from a combination between heritage and environment.
We grow our fish in the very best conditions; the crisp, oxygen-filled fjord waters of Sognefjorden.
The fjord matters to us, and we are proud of having the entire value chain, from roe to fish secured locally. This is good for the fish, as well as the local community. Adding jobs, value creation and activates the area.
Form the future
We work with creating the future; Our roe grows to smolt, then fish, and after that, it becomes a delicious meal somewhere in the world.
We aim to produce what is best suited for the future, both with our fish, and the sea. It is important for us to make sure out beloved Sognefjord stays crisp, clear, and clean, and sustainability is a pillar of production.
Creating an environmentally sustainable production is our continuos goal, for the future of our fish, fjords and planet. We work to avoid damage to the seabed and create methods that optimizes the fish health.
Breed to feed
A small roe can be the start of something truly big. A broodstock with strong genes and superior guidance can create a major ripple effect for any community. As a sustainable broodstock supplier, we want to create as great an effect as possible, to improve livelihoods and peoples’ lives.
We follow the UNs 17 sustainable Development Goals (17 SDGs), and we have a product that can really make a difference.

Form the heritage
A heritage means a little if one does not also create a legacy to be proud of.
Since 1963 we have preserved two of Norway´s three heritage broodstocks. We have Norway´s oldest trout broodstock and are the country’s largest trout broodstock supplier
We have consciously perfected them through selected breeding, giving fish of the best qualities. Not all fish are created equal – the best are bred.
Osland AS
føretaksregisteret: 921968175 MVA
Osland Seafood AS
føretaksregisteret: 920002218 MVA
Osland Havbruk AS
føretaksregisteret: 917786585 MVA
Osland Settefisk AS
føretaksregisteret: 997550641 MVA
Osland Genetics AS
føretaksregisteret: 898844412 MVA
Osland Origin AS and affiliated companies operate in accordance with the Transparency Act.